Saturday, January 25, 2020

An Essay on the American Civil War

An Essay on the American Civil War Civil War Essay The Killer Angels, By Micheal Shaara tells the story of one of the bloodiest battles during the Civil War: The Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought for three days July 1–3, 1863, in and around the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This battle is considered to be the turning point of the war, whichever side was to win this battle would overall win the whole war. The Battle of Gettysburg was not only the most significant of the civil was it was the battle with most casualties in the American Civil War. One of the biggest questions about the Civil War is why the men of both sides fought. The answer is not as simple as many might think. Most people, before reading this book probably thought the South fought the war only because they wanted to keep their slaves. This was only the case for a few Southerners, contrary to popular belief only a small percentage of people in the south owned slaves. Each side, the North and the South had their own reasons, but both a lso had one similar cause in common for fighting in the Civil War. In the beginning cause for the South was more about for the right to secede, and the North was about preserving the Union. But as the war went on, the causes to fight changed. The North then added that they were fighting to free the slaves, and the South fought to keep their constitutional rights to owning a slave. The South fought for their constitutional rights as a separate nation. These ideals definitely molded the way the war was fought by the South. The Confederate states seceded from the union over the issue of states’ rights and the power of state governments to totally rule over its land and decide its own issues. The South felt as if they were being controlled by the Northern government, which to felt like a foreign government. â€Å"Youve gotta tell them that what were fighting for here is the is the freedom from what we consider to be the rule of a foreign power! I mean, thats all we want. Thats what this war is all about.† This quote that was said by Armistead, expresses how the South felt about the North. The South was clearly angry because the North, where the Federal Government was located did not know what was necessary to help the South prosper. This also shows that the war was not only about slavery. The Confederates were mostly protecting their families and property from destruction, shown mainly in the later stages of war. To go along with that, many Confederate soldiers expressed the fear of being controlled by the North. This reaction, along with wanting self-government, seemed to be the main reason that kept the Confederate’s spirits high throughout most of the war, even in spite of the Union’s military advantages. Many Southerners believing that they would have their own nation also lead to their high spirits. They were attempting to establish a new nation and were put down by Lincoln. Lincoln claimed that secession was illegal, and did not want to allow the southern states to secede. â€Å"Now you suppose that we all join a club, a gentlemens club. And then, well, after a time, several of the members began to, uh began to *intrude* themselves into our private lives, our home lives. Began tellin us what we could do, what we couldnt do. Well, then, wouldnt any one of us have the right to resign?† This quote from the book expresses how the South felt about not being allowed to secede. The Northerner’s reason to fight in the Civil War was to preserve and restore the union. The Union believed that the Southern States did not have the right to leave the Union because they were a part of America. When interpreting of theConstitution, there were two different iadeals on the role of the federal government. Federalists believed that the federal government and the executive branch needed to maintain their power for the Union to survive. The anti-federalists believed that states should keep much of their authority and power within the new nation. Preserving the union was not a very popular cause in The Killer Angels and in the actual Civil War. This was mostly because majority of men didn’t want to fight for a cause that didn’t have a lot of emotional connection behind it. That is why preserving the Union was not mentioned much though out the book as much as freeing the slaves. â€Å"I dont really understand it. Never have. The more I think on it the more it horrifies me. How can they look in the eyes of a man and make a slave of him and then quote the Bible? But then right after that, after I left the room, the other one came to see me, the professor. I could see he was concerned, and I respected him, and he apologized for having offended me in my own home.(177). Through this quote one can see just how important the cause for abolishing slavery was to the Northern army. They felt it was their duty to stop the oppression of blacks, in order to restore the country as a whole. As the Civil War went on, it soon became obvious to most that the Union could not be restored unless slavery, the cause of the conflict was abolished. With that, the objective for the war had been changed. The issue of slavery now mattered to Union Soldiers, especially after Abraham Lincoln issued his Emancipation Proclamation. This officially freed slaves that were being held in Confederate-controlled areas. Many people in the North opposed the emancipation, but during the second half of the war, many people began to change their minds when they realized that emancipation could affect Union morale in a positive way by supporting it, Instead of just fighting for the idea of â€Å"saving the Union†, the soldiers were now fighting for the cause of liberty as well. â€Å"This was the first place on earth where the man mattered more than the state. True freedom had begun here and it would spread eventually over all the earth. But it had begun here. The fact of slavery upon this incredibly beautiful new clean earth was appalling, but more even than that was the horror of old Europe, the curse of nobility, which the South was transplanting to new soil. They were forming a new aristocracy, a new breed of glittering men, and Chamberlain had come to crush it. But he was fighting for the dignity of man and I that way he was fighting for himself. If men were equal in America, all the former Poles and English and Czechs and blacks, then they were equal everywhere, and there was really no such thing as foreigner; there were only free men and slaves. And so it was not even patriotism but a new faith. The Frenchman may fight for France, but the American fights for mankind, for freedom; for the people, not the land. (27) The cause of liberty, as defined by both sides, figured highly in the reasoning of many soldiers. Those of the North felt they were fighting to not only preserve the Union but to keep alive the spirit of the Declaration of Independence and of the Constitution. Lastly, and perhaps more pronounced as the War dragged on, the soldiers of both sides fought for each other. Many of us volunteered to fight for the Union. Some came mainly because we were bored at home and this looked like it might be fun. Some came because we were ashamed not to. Many came because it was the right thing to do. This is a different kind of army. If you look at history you’ll see men fight for pay, or women, or some other kind of loot. They fight for land, power, or because a king makes them, or just because they like killing. But we’re here for something new. This has not happened much, in the history of the world: We are an army out to set other men free. America should be free ground, all of it, from here to the Pacific Ocean. No man has to bow, no man born to royalty. Here we judge you by what you do, not by who your father was. Here you can be something. Here is the place to build a home. But it’s not the land. There’s always more land. It’s the idea that we all have value, you and me. What we’re fighting for, in the end†¦ we’re fighting for each other. (32) The Civil War gave back Americas title as a country that fights for freedom, a title that America previously claimed to be in its constitution. The Civil War proved that the USA was a country of freedom-fighters. The major similarity between the two sides that appears in the book is how that both sides believed that they were fighting to preserve the rights of others. Soldiers on both sides believed that they were fighting for the same basic idea of liberty, but they interpreted it in completely different ways. People in the Union believed that the preservation of the U. S. government was most important, with natural rights of humans coming second. The Confederates, believed that the government was more a part of the problem than the solution, and that the solution (for the confederates) was to rebel. In their eyes they saw the North as tyrannical and controlling. Both sides also turned to nationalistic and patriotic ideas. The nationalism of the Union soldiers was more evident, beca use Lincoln from the very beginning of the war had been fighting to preserve the Union. With the help of reading The Killer Angels, one will certainly grasp the essence of the Civil War and why it was fought. Both sides knew what they were fighting for and believed their causes were worthy of losing men. While both Northerners and Southerners believed they fought against tyranny and oppression, Northerners focused on the oppression of slaves and the restoration of the union, while Southerners focused on defending their right to self-govern. In the end, the one significant similarity the North and the South had was that they were Americans fighting for their liberties and what they believed in.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Raising Resilient Children

Another point he article makes is that by raising resilient children, they tend to be more self- efficient, resulting In future success as a teenager and an adult(Wade). Relation to Textbook There is a section in the textbook titled â€Å"The Wellsprings of Resilience†. It states children who have been beaten, neglected, or constantly subjected to verbal or physical abuse by their parents are more likely than other children to have emotional problems, become delinquent and violent, commit crimes, drop out of school, develop mental disorders such as depression, and develop chronic stress-related illnesses.It goes on to conclude that most children are surprisingly resilient, eventually overcoming drastic effects of having an abusive parent or even being sexually molested. These situations are extremely devastating, but don't happen In everyone life, but if a child was molested, even they can heal from that wound by being rescued by love. The book emphasizes the most significant reason for the resilience of children, is that we are all constantly interpreting our experiences. Whether we want to remain prisoners of childhood, or be enlightened by the possibilities of adulthood, IS a choice that ;s Vital.Child development research RAISING RESILIENT CHILDREN 3 does suggest certain overall guidelines to help parents teach children to be confident, considerate, and helpful: set high expectations that are appropriate to the child's age and temperament, and teach the child how to meet them, explain why the parent has applied a rule, encourage empathy, and notice, approve of, and reward good behavior(Camps). Relates to My World I chose this article because I can definitely relate to It. My mother raised me alone cause my dad left when I was a little girl.I remember In my childhood she always made sure that I was growing up to be an emotionally strong person. When I wanted to get myself dressed with no help, my mom would let me because she wanted me to learn the res ponsibility of dressing myself. She also let me be Ms. Bossy basically. The practices she taught me and wanted me to really grasp during my childhood has positively affected me as a teenager and a young adult. I do not plan to have children anytime soon, but I do completely agree that children need to be resilient. It really evolves their stronghold on life.Having a strong head on your shoulders is essential for getting through the tough tribulations and trials life throws at you. This article hits the head on the hammer. I truly appreciate the Information I have gotten from It. Ask Questions 1 OFF I Nils article sat arts out Walt a parent slang â€Å"How can we Keep two Solos inanely Ana merry, I thought, in a world that can seem as precarious as the one we live in now? † As I continued to read the article, I began asking myself how creditable these experts are and what are they really trying to accomplish.This article does not mention the hardships of raising children, and does not address how difficult it can be to do so. It Just states that if a parent uses these specific strategies when raising their children, the child will be emotionally stable, which is not always the case. Sometimes other things can interfere. Avoid Emotional Reasoning This article begins to go in detail about the parent wanting to solve the child's problems, sometimes blocking the logical thing to do, which is to let the child learn from their mistakes, and develop self-responsibility.Don't Oversimplify The article gives off an either/or thinking, with it being either you practice these guidelines or your children will grow up unemotionally stable. RAISING RESILIENT 5 Consider Other Interpretations This article does not give the opposite side of being resilient, so who is to say that these experts are correct, and know what they are talking about. Tolerate Uncertainty This article does not involve certainty of a sure situation. It Just simply states some things a parent can do to raise their child to be emotionally intact.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Magical and Sublime Characteristics of A Very Old Man...

Magical and Sublime Characteristics of A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings is a short fiction story written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1955. It has both characteristics of magical realism and of the modern sublime. Therefore, Magical Realism and the Sublime seem to be related in many ways depending on how a person looks at a story. From all of the research I have read, magical realism and the sublime help to explain the characteristics of one another. This story definitely meets the criteria for magical realism and the sublime because of the many elements described. The very old man with wings, the unusual miracles, the woman spider, and the crab infestation, represent elements of the†¦show more content†¦I understand what Schopehauer says about the sublime: two levels of reality -natural and the supernatural-are experienced as harmonious, a unified whole, by which the object and subject are fused within a state of spiritual exaltation(Longinus 6). It seemed as though the angel was put down at first and was the dirty old thing that no one wanted to get close to. People only wanted to be around him when he would perform a miracle and a weird one at that. However, in the end he flew away and in my eyes was exalted for the things he did, but really was not recognized for them in the story. The angel turned into something beautiful in the end that everyone should have recognized him as in the first place. The miracles performed were awkward, but still magical and sublime. For example, the lepers sores went away, but sunflowers grew and the blind man grew three new teeth. Arensberg states that the power is perceived in a moment (like a lightening flash) through the effects of speech and language(Arensberg 3). Magical realism, as well as sublime, is an in a moment kind of genre. Magic happens quickly just like the sublime! Why question the comparisons they have? The experience is an integrated one of a single reality shot through and through with both natural and supernatural forces(Longinus 6). A woman spider? This is definitely supernatural. She was transformed simply because she disobeyed her parents. This reminds me moreShow MoreRelated Linking Magical Realism and the Sublime in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings1022 Words   |  5 PagesLinking Magical Realism and the Sublime in A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings      Ã‚  Ã‚   Marquezs A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings links Magical Realism and Sublime literature to one another in such a way that Magical Realism seems to be a genre of the Sublime. This short story was published with a collection of other stories entitled Leaf Storm and Other Stories in 1955. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a native Columbian, has accomplished a great deal in the field of Magical Realism. This particularRead MoreThoreaus Overall Message In Walden1133 Words   |  5 PagesList 3 characteristics of transcendentalism? Believed that manual labor was a majestic art form.(Some are â€Å"industrious,† and appear to love labor for its own sake, or perhaps because it keeps them out of worse mischief; to such I have at present nothing to say.) Honored a closeness with nature.( Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.) Having a relationship with God, is considered a ver y privateRead MoreManagement Course: Mba−10 General Management215330 Words   |  862 Pageshave been overwhelmed by the frequency and magnitude of these economic groundswells. In today’s competitive climate, where the changes outside a business exceed the productive changes within a business, a company’s future viability is clearly under enormous stress. To maintain business growth and a sustained economy, it is essential for managers to understand and find solutions for these and other fundamental wide-ranging issues. The bursting of the high-tech bubble both in many start-up companies and

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

High Level Interpersonal, Verbal And Written Communication...

Demonstrated high level interpersonal, verbal and written communication skills: My interpersonal skills have been developed through working closely with colleagues whilst on placement but also through my employment at the coffee shop, this has been particularly useful when training new staff. I have found that by using active listening and communicating in an open and professional manner with both patients and colleagues has led to strong long term professional relationships. I have received positive feedback from facilitators on my communication, specifically on my bed side manner. I am conscious of my body language and written communication skills and take into consideration how they may be interpreted by others. Whilst on placement I have prioritised improving my handover and progress notes so the information I am relaying is clear and relevant. I acknowledge that my communication is something that can always be improved upon and I continuously seek feed back and constructive criticism in order to improve how I interact with others. Demonstrated clinical knowledge and clinical problem solving abilities: I understand that my education and clinical knowledge is something that I will continuously develop to ensure that I am a safe nurse. Whilst on placement, I rely on evidence based practice and policies and procedures to ensure that I am practicing in a safe manner. To enhance my clinical knowledge I take time to understand why I am doing a task a particular wayShow MoreRelatedHealth Literacy : The Peoples Understanding Of Health And Health Care1589 Words   |  7 Pagesindividually have low health literacy. Therefore, they will be not able to efficiently have a choice or say anything when making healthcare decisions. 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